About Our Work
Name of the Journal: Kōrero
In Maori, Kōrero means speech, narrative, story, news, account, discussion, conversation, statement, and information (not a direct translation).
We believe as educators, narratives or stories are an essential part of educators' and students' learning process. As a result, we learn from each other, our students, our colleagues, and ourselves.
Why a tree as our logo?
Our logo is a tree with long roots and flowing leaves, which represents the work of educators and students as they tell their stories to others.
Author Guidelines for the Online Journal
Kōrero is an independent educational online journal sponsored by EdActs Global. This nonprofit assists K-12 students in leadership opportunities as they conduct local and global service-learning projects. Submissions are encouraged from educational scholars and K-12 practitioners from all levels (K-12 and higher education). All papers are peer-reviewed promptly (2-3 weeks). Why? We, as educational researchers, understand the value of quick turn-around time. The following guidelines will assist with preparing and submitting materials appropriate to the online journal.
Categories: Topics of Kōrero online journal will include the following types of material: (1) research and project papers related to all aspects Problem-Based Learning (PBL), service-learning in education, project-based learning, educational technology, and other areas in education, and teacher education; (2) promising practices articles that describe and advocate specific education practices and procedures at various educational levels; (3) perspective articles, as well as personal opinion pieces about areas covered above; (4) reviews of scholarly books and other educational media; and (5) news items and announcements about organizations, events, conferences, and different PBL and service-learning education programs. Kōrero is purposely broad in scope, for we wish to invite multiple voices to share their work. In submitting, authors need to indicate which category they are presenting.
Format: All submissions should adhere to APA standards, be prepared as a Google Doc (with commenting rights) or Microsoft Word electronic file, and run through Grammarly.com. A cover file containing the title of the manuscript, name(s) of the author(s), academic title(s), institutional affiliation(s), and address, telephone number, and email address of the author(s) should be submitted along with the manuscript file.
Please reference if you are submitting a research or project paper when submitting.
Research papers: Please provide a 15-18 page paper with references.
Project or Practitioner papers: Please provide a 4-8 page paper detailing what your group, classroom, or school is doing. Photos/videos are highly recommended and would positively enhance your publication opportunity.
Where to Submit: Please email a message with the two files as attachments to korerojournal@gmail.com.
Preparing the Material: We seek manuscripts that provide new information and perspectives on the education categories we seek and invite dialogue. We aim to provide practical, interesting information about educational issues to a broad range of readers in various academic disciplines and educational and work settings. Please consider the following suggestions: Keep the presentation clear and straightforward. Kōrero’s online journal audience includes educators at all levels, from preschool to college/university. We will consider submissions of any length; the length of your material should be determined by what you have to say; don't "pad" to make your paper longer or cut anything you feel is essential. Use practical examples whenever possible to support key points. Explain the meaning of all terms and words the typical education reader may not understand.
In the case of book reviews, be sure to provide the full title, author(s), publisher, year of publication, number of pages, price, and ISBN of the book or other media reviewed. We will only publish a review with that information. We also welcome photographs of book covers as illustrations for reviews. We seldom publish materials previously accepted elsewhere. If your article has been submitted elsewhere and gets accepted for publication, let us know immediately.
Graphics/Photographs/Art: Charts and tables, high-quality photographs, and original art that complements your submission are most welcome. Please provide permission from people in photos, their names, and what they do in the picture. In the artwork, please provide biographical information on the artists along with their name(s) and email address(es). Please attach these items as separate electronic files along with your manuscript and cover file. Please use the media permission form below and return it with your photographs/graphics/art.
What Gets Published: Priority is given to submissions that offer new ideas and fresh perspectives and are written communicatively and interestingly. Our peer reviewers judge material both on the accuracy and relevancy of content and the potential interest of our readers.
Once your submission is accepted for publication, we ask that you provide us with a one-minute video introducing yourself and your work, along with a .png or .jpg photograph of yourself and your co-authors. These will accompany your paper on the website.
Guest Editorial: Do you have an educational topic you would wish to see in Kōrero? Contact us, and we will work you through how you can be a guest editor for a thematic issue.
Reprints: When we judge appropriately, we grant permission to reprint materials from Kōrero online journals in other publications or for use at conferences or with K-12 and college/university classes on a per-request basis. Reprint requests should be emailed to korerojournal@gmail.com.
Questions? Contact Malia M. Hoffmann, Editor, and Associate Publisher Kōrero Online Journal, CA, U.S.A. Telephone: 920-247-7192; E-mail: korerojournal@gmail.com; Web: https://www.korerojournal.org/

Call for Submissions
Name of the Journal: Kōrero
In Maori, Kōrero means speech, narrative, story, news, account, discussion, conversation, statement, and information (not a direct translation).
Author Guidelines for the Online Journal
Submissions are encouraged by educational scholars and K-12 practitioners from all levels (K-12 and higher education). All papers are peer-reviewed promptly (2-3 weeks).
Examples of Topics:
Research and project papers related to all aspects Problem-Based Learning (PBL), service-learning in education, project-based learning, educational technology, and other areas in education, and teacher education;
Promising practices articles that describe and advocate specific education practices and procedures at various educational levels;
Perspective articles and personal opinion pieces about the areas covered above;
Biographies within education, research, social justice, and advocacy. Other areas may still be considered.
Reviews of scholarly books and other educational media; and
News items and announcements about organizations, events, conferences, and different PBL and service-learning education programs. Kōrero is purposely broad in scope, for we wish to invite multiple voices to share their work. In submitting, authors need to indicate which category they are presenting.
Document Standards:
Adhere to APA standards
Run your document through Grammarly.com before you submit it.
Prepared as a Google Doc (with commenting rights) or Microsoft Word electronic file.
A cover file containing the title of the manuscript, name(s) of the author(s), academic title(s), institutional affiliation(s), address, telephone number, and email address of the author(s).
Research papers: Please provide a 15-18 page paper with references.
Project or Practitioner papers: Please provide a 3-5 page paper detailing what your group, classroom, or school is doing. Photos/videos are highly recommended and would positively enhance your publication opportunity.
Where to Submit: Please email a message with the two files as attachments to korerojournal@gmail.com.
Questions? Contact Malia M. Hoffmann, Chief Editor and Associate Publisher Kōrero Online Journal, CA, U.S.A. Telephone: 920-247-7192; E-mail: korerojournal@gmail.com; Web: https://www.korerojournal.org/